Sunday, September 13, 2015

Day 27. Pismo Beach and Ventura Highway

We stopped in Pismo Beach on our way to Ventura.  This town is  It also has a large senior population with lots of housing.  The beach was very wide, you can drive on it, and there were a lot of families and surfers and fishermen.  We went for lunch to the restaurant with the line out the door.  Good choice.  Charlie had steamed clams and chowder, while I had fish and chips.  Both were awesome!  It was a fun place to go.  A very neat small beach town!
awesome with a really cool vibe.

As we continued south on 101 we spotted probably 100 campers parked along the road closest to the beach.  While there was obviously no hook ups for the RVs, nothing beats the view.  Wow!  

The change in scenery by this point on the California coast is striking.  Replacing the cliffs and rocks of the north coast, the surrounding area is now flat and filled with fields of fruit and vegetables – artichokes, strawberries, lettuce, oranges, lemons.  The soil is a rich dark brown that we seldom see in our area in Maryland.  And we saw the workers picking these fields.

1 comment:

  1. Ventura highway -America
    A song to add to your playlist :)
