Friday, September 4, 2015

Day 20. Eureka, California

We left early because we had nearly 300 miles to cover before we reached the RV park in Eureka.  We chose this location for two important reasons.  First, they had space for us.  We forgot that this was Labor Day weekend.  (I know.  Everyday is a holiday when you're retired!)  So we needed to find a place to stay during this high-occupancy weekend.  And since we would likely face No Vacancy signs  the whole weekend, we wanted to stay in one place til Monday.  Second, given that we're not ones to hang around RV parks (even if they do have lovely pools and playgrounds), it was important that the location offered reasonably convenient access to sightseeing spots.

Immediately before we stopped for a coffee at one of those cute drive-thru spots that seem to be everywhere, the tire pressure light came on.  Luckily adding some air seems to have done the trick.  Continuing down the coast, we couldn't resist stopping at a few pull-off spots to admire the views and take some pictures even if it made the drive longer.

We were surprised that vehicles were stopped for inspection before entering California.  Since we are from Maryland, our trailer and truck were inspected for those pesky gypsy moths.  But who knew Charlie and I would be good Samaritans during this brief stop.  We hear the inspector in the bay beside us calling her coworker to come help her.  Her hair had become entangled in the wheel of the kind of cart that mechanics use to slide under a vehicle.  And consequently, she couldn't roll back out from under the motor home she was inspecting -- yikes!  So Charlie and the other fellow lift/pull the cart and her out from under the RV in such a way that her hair doesn't wind around the wheel even more.  Charlie used his years of experience combing and styling our daughters' hair for school, and started to untangle her hair from around the wheel.  Her coworker asked should he get a scissors and cut her hair.  Oh no!  That's when I knew there needed to be a woman's touch and was able to untangle all but a little bit on the end of her long locks.  It so much reminded me of the frantic/frustrating feeling I would have when my own hair would get tangled around a curler or a curling iron or a round hair brush -- aurgghh!  The whole time she was laughing and saying someone should take a picture of her in this predicament.  Oh yes, I was tempted.

The course of Route 101 was mostly inland from that point til we arrived in Eureka.  But we did pass through the edge of the Redwood National Forest.  I can't wait to go tour tomorrow.  We are taking it easy after a nice dinner of chowder, clams, and parmigiano and garlic fries.  The best part of sitting at an outside table was watching a harbor seal repeatedly roll over on his back and enjoy the late afternoon sun too.

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