Saturday, July 20, 2013

Jewel of the Maine Coast

We arrived in the Camden-Rockland Region at the Camden Hills State Park.  Immediately after setting up, we headed to probably our favorite New England town, Camden.  There we visited the shops before heading for the Marriner's Grill, "On the falls since 1942", owned and operated by the Gabriele family.  Located right on Main Street Camden, this is the place to get Charlie's absolute favorite clam chowder and biscuit.  He was not disappointed!
Charlie had company looking for sea glass

Breakwater and lighthouse in Rockland

We visited a few art galleries and the local craft festival before heading out of town to search for likely sea glass hunting spots.  He did find a few.  But I also found a wonderful quilt shop in Rockland called Quilt Divas.  It's a really nice shop where I just had to buy some fabric that called to me to make a quilt for my beautiful granddaughter.

Beautiful foot bridge in Camden

After a stop at a lovely coffee shop in Camden called Zoot, we headed back to Camden Hills for a tasty chicken salad dinner that Charlie made with scallions, pecans, grapes, and celery.  Thanks, hon.

Trivia:  Camden was the setting for 1956 movie Peyton Place.  Also, it was featured in scenes from Casper the Friendly Ghost.  Who knew?

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